As we all are getting ready for the first day of school for our children, and all of the emotional changes that comes with this, it is very important to keep the perspective straight. For most parents, especially moms of very young children, it may bring back the moment of when your baby was first put…
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About: ivyleagueLM
Recent Posts by ivyleagueLM
How We Praise Your Child at the Montessori Ivy League

Instead of evaluative praise, Montessori gives descriptive praise and encouragement. Montessori praises behaviour, effort, perseverance, attitude, social skills, empathy, discipline, commitment, or that which would help children recognize their worth, and end up knowing how to give credit to themselves and appreciate who they are. Frivolous praise hinders the process of independence and growth that…
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The Precious Balance in Montessori
“Children are the living messages we send to a time we might not see." John F. Kennedy. A PRECIOUS BALANCE A child is a very delicate, tender, and precious gift. Bringing up decent, respectable human beings requires the full presence and dedication of all stakeholders. In early childhood, nothing is as influential to children’s growth…
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Only in a Montessori Environment
If you enter a classroom, where children are actively engaged in a self- learning setup, know that you are in a Montessori classroom. CHILD CENTERED A Montessori classroom is centred around children, with the sole aim of giving children a customized learning opportunity that mimics their capabilities. Characterized with simplicity, beauty and order, a Montessori…
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Discipline and Freedom; Partners in a Montessori Classroom
How many times did a teacher ask you to sit properly when you were young, yet, you never really understood what was wrong with sitting the way you wanted? Or how frustrated were you when a teacher belittled all your efforts, just because you weren’t “disciplined” enough? Contrary to the definition of discipline as per…
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A Day in the Life of a Toddler at Montessori Ivy League
If you are a parent of a toddler and also a full-time employee or professional, you know how difficult it can be to find a child care center that is open early enough for you to drop off your child and then head to work in time to beat the traffic. There is finally a…
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Transforming the Lives of Our Children
The Word “Montessori” means a form of education for young children that develops the children’s natural interests and activities instead of using a more formal teaching method. Italian physician and educator, Maria Montessori developed the Montessori education approach. She wanted to work on a child’s freedom within limits and work on their independence. For example,…
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Working is Fun with the Montessori Method
The Montessori Method is a celebrated educational technique, yet there is still some mystery surrounding it. Many parents have heard of Montessori, but are somewhat unsure of how a Montessori education is different than a traditional one, and some even have some misconceptions about Montessori schools. One common misunderstanding parents often have is that a…
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Ten Benefits of a Montessori Daycare
When the time comes for a parent to choose a daycare program for their child, it is important to conduct thorough research before deciding which one is the perfect one. A Montessori daycare can teach your child advanced developmental, social, and educational skills. Read on to learn more about the top 10 reasons you should…
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What Can a Montessori Education Do For Your Child?
Every child has the potential to achieve great things. But unless they’re put in the best position to succeed, many never get the opportunity to fulfill their dreams. The foundation of a healthy and productive life starts with a quality education. It will stay with them from childhood all the way through their adult lives.…
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